The Dielectric Response of Cytoplasmic Water and its Connection to the Vitality of Human Red Blood Cells

The vitality of red blood cells depends on the process control of glucose homeostasis, including concentration of 10 – 12 mM. We present a comprehensive study of human erythrocytes suspended in buffer solutions with varying concentrations of D-glucose at room temperature, using microwave dielectric spectroscopy (0.5 GHz – 50 GHz) and cell deformability characterization (the Elongation ratio). By use of mixture formulas, the contribution of the cytoplasm to the dielectric spectra was isolated. It reveals a strong dependence on the concentration of buffer D-Glucose. Tellingly, the concentration 10 – 12 mM is revealed as a critical point in the behavior. The dielectric response of cytoplasm depends on dipole-matrix interactions between water structures and moieties like ATP, produced during glycolysis. Subsequently, it is a marker of cellular health. One would hope that this mechanism could provide a new vista on non-invasive glucose monitoring.



Fig.6 In panel (a) is shown the experimental relaxation times for one cell in the presence of varying buffer concentrations of D-glucose. In panel (b) α(lnτ) is shown dependence for one cell at 25 °C.